The Dark Machines Anomaly Score Challenge: Benchmark Data and Model Independent Event Classification for the Large Hadron Collider
T. Aarrestad, M. van Beekveld, M. Bona, A. Boveia, S. Caron, J. Davies, A. De Simone, C. Doglioni, J. M. Duarte, A. Farbin, H. Gupta, L. Hendriks, L. Heinrich, J. Howarth, P. Jawahar, A. Jueid, J. Lastow, A. Leinweber, J. Mamuzic, E. Merényi, A. Morandini, P. Moskvitina, C. Nellist, J. Ngadiuba, B. Ostdiek, M. Pierini, B. Ravina, R. Ruiz de Austri, S. Sekmen, M. Touranakou, M. Vaškevičiūte, R. Vilalta, J. R. Vlimant, R. Verheyen, M. White, E. Wulff, E. Wallin, K. A. Wozniak, Z. Zhang
SciPost Phys. 12, 043 (2022) · published 28 January 2022
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.12.1.043
- Submissions/Reports
We describe the outcome of a data challenge conducted as part of the Dark Machines Initiative and the Les Houches 2019 workshop on Physics at TeV colliders. The challenged aims at detecting signals of new physics at the LHC using unsupervised machine learning algorithms. First, we propose how an anomaly score could be implemented to define model-independent signal regions in LHC searches. We define and describe a large benchmark dataset, consisting of >1 Billion simulated LHC events corresponding to $10~\rm{fb}^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. We then review a wide range of anomaly detection and density estimation algorithms, developed in the context of the data challenge, and we measure their performance in a set of realistic analysis environments. We draw a number of useful conclusions that will aid the development of unsupervised new physics searches during the third run of the LHC, and provide our benchmark dataset for future studies at Code to reproduce the analysis is provided at
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Authors / Affiliations: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 Thea Aarrestad,
- 2 Melissa van Beekveld,
- 3 Marcella Bona,
- 4 Antonio Boveia,
- 5 Sascha Caron,
- 3 Joe Davies,
- 6 7 Andrea de Simone,
- 8 Caterina Doglioni,
- 9 Javier Duarte,
- 10 Amir Farbin,
- 11 Honey Gupta,
- 5 Luc Hendriks,
- 1 Lukas Alexander Heinrich,
- 12 James William Howarth,
- 1 13 Pratik Jawahar,
- 14 Adil Jueid,
- 8 Jessica Lastow,
- 15 Adam Leinweber,
- 16 Judita Mamuzic,
- 17 Erzsébet Merényi,
- 18 Alessandro Morandini,
- 5 Polina Moskvitina,
- 5 Clara Nellist,
- 19 20 Jennifer Ngadiuba,
- 21 22 Bryan Ostdiek,
- 1 Maurizio Pierini,
- 12 Baptiste Ravina,
- 16 Roberto Ruiz de Austri,
- 23 Sezen Sekmen,
- 1 24 Mary Touranakou,
- 12 Marija Vaškeviciute,
- 25 Ricardo Vilalta,
- 19 Jean-Roch Vlimant,
- 26 Rob Verheyen,
- 15 Martin White,
- 8 Eric Wulff,
- 8 Erik Wallin,
- 1 27 Kinga A. Wozniak,
- 5 Zhongyi Zhang
- 1 Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire / European Organization for Nuclear Research [CERN]
- 2 Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford
- 3 Queen Mary University of London [QMUL]
- 4 The Ohio State University [OSU]
- 5 Nationaal instituut voor Subatomaire Fysica / National Institute for Subatomic Physics [NIKHEF]
- 6 Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati / International School for Advanced Studies [SISSA]
- 7 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare / National Institute for Nuclear Physics [INFN]
- 8 Lunds universitet / Lund University
- 9 University of California, San Diego [UCSD]
- 10 The University of Texas at Arlington [UTA]
- 11 Google
- 12 University of Glasgow
- 13 Worcester Polytechnic Institute [WPI]
- 14 Konkuk University
- 15 University of Adelaide
- 16 Instituto de Física Corpuscular / Institute for Corpuscular Physics [IFIC]
- 17 Rice University
- 18 Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen / RWTH Aachen University [RWTH]
- 19 California Institute of Technology [CalTech]
- 20 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory [Fermilab]
- 21 The NSF AI Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions [IAIFI]
- 22 Harvard University
- 23 경북대학교 / Kyungpook National University [KNU]
- 24 Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- 25 University of Houston [UH]
- 26 University College London [UCL]
- 27 Universität Wien / University of Vienna
- Australian Research Council [ARC]
- European Commission [EC]
- European Research Council [ERC]
- Generalitat Valenciana
- Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (through Organization: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades / Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities)
- National Research Foundation of Korea [NRF]
- National Science Foundation [NSF]
- Royal Society
- Science and Technology Facilities Council [STFC]
- United States Department of Energy [DOE]
- Vetenskapsrådet / Swedish Research Council