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Double soft theorem for generalised biadjoint scalar amplitudes

Md. Abhishek, Subramanya Hegde, Dileep P. Jatkar, Arnab Priya Saha

SciPost Phys. 10, 036 (2021) · published 16 February 2021


We study double soft theorem for the generalised biadjoint scalar field theory whose amplitudes are computed in terms of punctures on $\mathbb{CP}^{k-1}$. We find that whenever the double soft limit does not decouple into a product of single soft factors, the leading contributions to the double soft theorems come from the degenerate solutions, otherwise the non degenerate solutions dominate. Our analysis uses the regular solutions to the scattering equations. Most of the results are presented for $k=3$ but we show how they generalise to arbitrary $k$. We have explicit analytic results, for any $k$, in the case when soft external states are adjacent.

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