$\Delta$S$^z$=2 quantum magnetization discontinuities proportional in number to the spin s in C$_{60}$: Origin and the role of symmetry
Nikolaos P. Konstantinidis
SciPost Phys. 15, 037 (2023) · published 31 July 2023
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.15.1.037
- Submissions/Reports
The quantum antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the fullerene C$_{60}$ in a magnetic field has $4s$ ground-state magnetization discontinuities with $\Delta S^z=2$ as a function of the spin quantum number $s$ that disappear at the classical limit. The molecule can be seen as the fullerene C$_{20}$ with interpentagon interactions that generate the discontinuities when sufficiently strong. The discontinuities originate from the antiferromagnetic Ising limit for both molecules. The results show how spatial symmetry dictates the magnetic response of the $I_h$ fullerene molecules.
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