Quantum chaos in 2D gravity
Alexander Altland, Boris Post, Julian Sonner, Jeremy van der Heijden, Erik Verlinde
SciPost Phys. 15, 064 (2023) · published 16 August 2023
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.15.2.064
- Submissions/Reports
We present a quantitative and fully non-perturbative description of the ergodic phase of quantum chaos in the setting of two-dimensional gravity. To this end we describe the doubly non-perturbative completion of semiclassical 2D gravity in terms of its associated universe field theory. The guiding principle of our analysis is a flavor-matrix theory (fMT) description of the ergodic phase of holographic gravity, which exhibits $\mathrm{U}(n|n)$ causal symmetry breaking and restoration. JT gravity and its 2D-gravity cousins alone do not realize an action principle with causal symmetry, however we demonstrate that their universe field theory, the Kodaira-Spencer (KS) theory of gravity, does. After directly deriving the fMT from brane-antibrane correlators in KS theory, we show that causal symmetry breaking and restoration can be understood geometrically in terms of different (topological) D-brane vacua. We interpret our results in terms of an open-closed string duality between holomorphic Chern-Simons theory and its closed-string equivalent, the KS theory of gravity. Emphasis will be put on relating these geometric principles to the characteristic spectral correlations of the quantum ergodic phase.
Cited by 11
Authors / Affiliations: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 Alexander Altland,
- 2 Boris Post,
- 3 Julian Sonner,
- 2 Jeremy van der Heijden,
- 2 Erik P. Verlinde
- 1 Universität zu Köln / University of Cologne [UoC]
- 2 Universiteit van Amsterdam / University of Amsterdam [UvA]
- 3 Université de Genève / University of Geneva [UNIGE]
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / German Research FoundationDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [DFG]
- European Research Council [ERC]
- FP7 Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) (through Organization: European Commission [EC])
- Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek / Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research [NWO]
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung / Swiss National Science Foundation [SNF]