A ship-in-a-bottle quantum gas microscope setup for magnetic mixtures
Maximilian Sohmen, Manfred J. Mark, Markus Greiner, Francesca Ferlaino
SciPost Phys. 15, 182 (2023) · published 1 November 2023
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.15.5.182
- Submissions/Reports
Quantum gas microscopes are versatile and powerful tools for fundamental science as well as promising candidates for enticing applications such as in quantum simulation or quantum computation. Here we present a quantum gas microscopy setup for experiments with highly magnetic atoms of the lanthanoid elements erbium and dysprosium. Our setup features a non-magnetic, non-conducting, large-working-distance, high-numerical-aperture, in-vacuum microscope objective, mounted inside a glue-free quartz glass cell. The quartz glass cell is enclosed by a compact multi-shell ferromagnetic shield that passively suppresses external magnetic field noise by a factor of more than a thousand. Our setup will enable direct manipulation and probing of the rich quantum many-body physics of dipolar atoms in optical lattices, and bears the potential to put exciting theory proposals - including exotic magnetic phases and quantum phase transitions - to an experimental test.
Cited by 4
Authors / Affiliations: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 2 Maximilian Sohmen,
- 1 2 Manfred J. Mark,
- 3 Markus Greiner,
- 1 2 Francesca Ferlaino
- 1 Universität Innsbruck / University of Innsbruck [UBI]
- 2 Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften / Austrian Academy of Sciences [ÖAW]
- 3 Harvard University
- Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (through Organization: Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung / FWF Austrian Science Fund [FWF])
- European Research Council [ERC]