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Non-perturbative intertwining between spin and charge correlations: A ``smoking gun'' single-boson-exchange result

Severino Adler, Friedrich Krien, Patrick Chalupa-Gantner, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Alessandro Toschi

SciPost Phys. 16, 054 (2024) · published 23 February 2024


We study the microscopic mechanism controlling the interplay between local charge and local spin fluctuations in correlated electron systems via a thorough investigation of the generalized on-site charge susceptibility of several fundamental many-electron models, such as the Hubbard atom, the Anderson impurity model, and the Hubbard model. By decomposing the numerically determined generalized susceptibility in terms of physically transparent single-boson exchange processes, we unveil the microscopic mechanisms responsible for the breakdown of the self-consistent many-electron perturbation expansion. In particular, we unambiguously identify the origin of the significant suppression of its diagonal entries in (Matsubara) frequency space and the slight increase of the off-diagonal ones which cause the breakdown. The suppression effect on the diagonal elements originates directly from the electronic scattering on local magnetic moments, reflecting their increasingly longer lifetime as well as their enhanced effective coupling with the electrons. Instead, the slight and diffuse enhancement of the off-diagonal terms can be mostly ascribed to multiboson scattering processes. The strong intertwining between spin and charge sectors is partly weakened at the Kondo temperature due to a progressive reduction of the effective spin-fermion coupling of local magnetic fluctuations in the low frequency regime. Our analysis, thus, clarifies the precise mechanism through which the physical information is transferred between different scattering channels of interacting electron problems and highlights the pivotal role played by such an intertwining in the physics of correlated electrons beyond the perturbative regime.

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