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Robust extended states in Anderson model on partially disordered random regular graphs

Daniil Kochergin, Ivan M. Khaymovich, Olga Valba, Alexander Gorsky

SciPost Phys. 16, 106 (2024) · published 19 April 2024


In this work we analytically explain the origin of the mobility edge in the partially disordered random regular graphs of degree d, i.e., with a fraction $\beta$ of the sites being disordered, while the rest remain clean. It is shown that the mobility edge in the spectrum survives in a certain range of parameters (d,$\beta$) at infinitely large uniformly distributed disorder. The critical curve separating extended and localized states is derived analytically and confirmed numerically. The duality in the localization properties between the sparse and extremely dense RRG has been found and understood.

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