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Vortex loop operators and quantum M2-branes

Nadav Drukker, Omar Shahpo

SciPost Phys. 17, 016 (2024) · published 16 July 2024


We study M2-branes in $AdS_4× S^7/\mathbb{Z}_k$ dual to 1/2 and 1/3 BPS vortex loop operators in ABJM theory and compute their one-loop correction beyond the classical M2-brane action. The correction depends only on the parity of $k$ and is independent of all continuous parameters in the definition of the vortex loops. The result for odd $k$ agrees with the answers for the 1/2 BPS Wilson loop in the $k=1$ theory and for even $k$ with the one in the $k = 2$ theory. Combining with the classical part, we find that the natural expansion parameter seems to be $1/\sqrt{kN}$ rather than $1/\sqrt{N}$. This provides a further setting where semiclassical quantisation can be applied to M2-branes and produces new results inaccessible by other methods.

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