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Engineered Josephson diode effect in kinked Rashba nanochannels

Alfonso Maiellaro, Mattia Trama, Jacopo Settino, Claudio Guarcello, Francesco Romeo, Roberta Citro

SciPost Phys. 17, 101 (2024) · published 2 October 2024


The superconducting diode effect, reminiscent of the unidirectional charge transport in semiconductor diodes, is characterized by a nonreciprocal, dissipationless flow of Cooper pairs. This remarkable phenomenon arises from the interplay between symmetry constraints and the inherent quantum behavior of superconductors. Here, we explore the geometric control of the diode effect in a kinked nanostrip Josephson junction based on a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEGs) with Rashba spin-orbit interaction. We provide a comprehensive analysis of the diode effect as a function of the kink angle and the out-of-plane magnetic field. Our analysis reveals a rich phase diagram, showcasing a geometry and field-controlled diode effect. The phase diagram also reveals the presence of an anomalous Josephson effect related to the emergence of trivial zero-energy Andreev bound states, which can evolve into Majorana bound states. Our findings indicate that the exceptional synergy between geometric control of the diode effect and topological phases can be effectively leveraged to design and optimize superconducting devices with tailored transport properties.

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