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A general-mass scheme for prompt charm production at hadron colliders

Keping Xie, John M. Campbell, Pavel M. Nadolsky

SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 084 (2022) · published 12 July 2022

Proceedings event

28th Annual Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering (DIS) and Related Subjects


In these proceedings, we apply the recently developed S-ACOT-MPS factorization scheme at the next-to-leading order to prompt charm production at hadron colliders. It provides a good agreement with experimental data on charm meson production measured by LHCb at 7 and 13 TeV. The low-$p_T$ data are on the margins of the theoretical error bands, emphasizing the importance of including contributions beyond the next-to-leading order.

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