Mr Huang: "Request changes 1- What I r..."
in Submissions | report on A Chern-Simons theory for dipole symmetry
Mr Finke: "We thank the referee for their..."
in Submissions | report on What's Anomalous in LHC Jets?
Anonymous: "1) Indeed, installation may so..."
in Submissions | submission on Pyqcm: An open-source Python library for quantum cluster methods by Théo N. Dionne, Alexandre Foley, Moïse Rousseau, David Sénéchal
Mr Eckhardt: "We sincerely thank the referee..."
in Submissions | report on A functional-analysis derivation of the parquet equation
Anonymous: "You say that the scope of the ..."
in Comments | comment on Plea for the use of the exact Stirling formula in statistical mechanics
Anonymous: "To address the author's commen..."
in Comments | comment on Plea for the use of the exact Stirling formula in statistical mechanics
Dr Lairez: "First of all, I want to thank ..."
in Submissions | report on Plea for the use of the exact Stirling formula in statistical mechanics
Mr Huang: "Weakness 2-The higher-rank ..."
in Submissions | report on A Chern-Simons theory for dipole symmetry