Prof. Cooper: "**The referee writes** > A f..."
in Submissions | report on Quantum Oscillations in an Impurity-Band Anderson Insulator
Prof. Cooper: "We thank the referee for this ..."
in Submissions | report on Quantum Oscillations in an Impurity-Band Anderson Insulator
Dr Sokolov: "In his reply to our answer, Pr..."
in Comments | comment on Electromagnetic Couplings of Axions
Prof. Suh: "We thank the referee for helpf..."
in Submissions | report on Probabilistic deconstruction of a theory of gravity, Part I: flat space
Anonymous: "I would like to thank the auth..."
in Comments | comment on Schrödinger symmetry of Schwarzschild-(A)dS black hole mechanics
Dr Chen: "We thank the referee for his/h..."
in Submissions | report on High-fidelity realization of the AKLT state on a NISQ-era quantum processor
Dr Chen: "We thank the referee for his/h..."
in Submissions | report on High-fidelity realization of the AKLT state on a NISQ-era quantum processor
Dr Chen: "We thank Prof. Emanuele Dalla ..."
in Submissions | report on High-fidelity realization of the AKLT state on a NISQ-era quantum processor
Dr Hart: "> In this work, the authors pr..."
in Submissions | report on Multipole groups and fracton phenomena on arbitrary crystalline lattices