Dr McNees: "We thank the referee for their..."
in Submissions | report on dS$\boldsymbol{_2}$ as excitation of AdS$\boldsymbol{_2}$
Prof. Plehn: "Thank you for considering all ..."
in Comments | comment on Modeling Hadronization using Machine Learning
Dr Broers: "We have attached our reply to ..."
in Submissions | report on Floquet Engineering of Non-Equilibrium Superradiance
Dr Broers: "We have attached our reply to ..."
in Submissions | report on Floquet Engineering of Non-Equilibrium Superradiance
Dr Khaymovich: "** Report 1 of the Referee ** ..."
in Submissions | report on Localization and fractality in disordered Russian Doll model
Dr Khaymovich: "We are very grateful to the Re..."
in Submissions | report on Anisotropy-mediated reentrant localization
Dr Neri: "There is an error in Equations..."
in Commentaries | commentary on Universal tradeoff relation between speed, uncertainty, and dissipation in nonequilibrium stationary states by Izaak Neri
Anonymous: "."
in Submissions | submission on Study of Inhibitors Against Novel Coronavirus by Molecular Modelling Tools by Narinder Kumar, Anamika Shukla, Devesh Kumar, B.S. Rawat, Reena Dhyani