Dr Lee: "1. The most important constrai..."
in Submissions | report on Emulating twisted double bilayer graphene with a multiorbital optical lattice
Dr Lee: "1. For the chemical element, w..."
in Submissions | report on Emulating twisted double bilayer graphene with a multiorbital optical lattice
Prof. Santiago: "We would like to thank the ref..."
in Submissions | report on Matchmakereft: automated tree-level and one-loop matching
Prof. Santiago: "We would like to thank the ref..."
in Submissions | report on Matchmakereft: automated tree-level and one-loop matching
Prof. Santiago: "We would like to thank the ref..."
in Submissions | report on Matchmakereft: automated tree-level and one-loop matching
Anonymous: "I read the reply and the auth..."
in Comments | comment on HarmonicBalance.jl: A Julia suite for nonlinear dynamics using harmonic balance
Dr De Rosi: "We thank Referee 3 for his/her..."
in Submissions | report on Hole-induced anomaly in the thermodynamic behavior of a one-dimensional Bose gas