Mr Springmann: "We thank the referee for the i..."
in Submissions | report on Density Induced Vacuum Instability
Dr Ripalda: "We agree with all the comments..."
in Submissions | report on Ether cleavage and chemical removal of SU-8
Dr Sborlini: "Dear Referee, Thank you ver..."
in Submissions | report on Reconstructing partonic kinematics at colliders with Machine Learning
Dr Pęcak: "Dear Referee, We would like..."
in Submissions | report on Unconventional pairing in few-fermion systems at finite temperature
Prof. Cheng: "We thank the referee for the e..."
in Submissions | report on Gauging U(1) symmetry in (2+1)d topological phases
Mr Gonçalves: "We thank the Referee for the v..."
in Submissions | report on Hidden dualities in 1D quasiperiodic lattice models
Mr Kurilovich: "We thank the referee for the p..."
in Submissions | report on Stabilizing the Laughlin state of light: dynamics of hole fractionalization