Anonymous: "With the newest changes, recom..."
in Comments | comment on New 2- and 3-loop heavy flavor corrections to unpolarized and polarized deep-inelastic scattering
Ms Chang: "Dear Editors, Thank you for..."
in Submissions | report on Investigation of the background in coherent $J/\psi$ production at the EIC
Anonymous: "Reply to Review: As it was ..."
in Submissions | report on Multiclassification with Random Forest Algorithm for Highly Imbalanced Particle Data Structure
Dr Seoane Souto: "We thank the Referee for atten..."
in Submissions | report on Fusion rules in a Majorana single-charge transistor
Dr Seoane Souto: "We thank the Referee for atten..."
in Submissions | report on Fusion rules in a Majorana single-charge transistor
Dr Li: "Dear Referee and Editor, Ma..."
in Submissions | report on Presentation Session
Dr Fucilla: "We thank the referee for the c..."
in Submissions | report on Hybrid high-energy/collinear factorization in a heavy-light dijets system reaction