Anonymous: "We thank the referee for point..."
in Submissions | submission on Quantitative functional renormalization for three-dimensional quantum Heisenberg models by Nils Niggemann, Johannes Reuther, Björn Sbierski
Dr Guenther: "The subsequent conceptual rema..."
in Submissions | submission on Exceptional points and pseudo-Hermiticity in real potential scattering by Farhang Loran and Ali Mostafazadeh
Prof. Wen: "Reply to referee 2: We thank ..."
in Submissions | report on Entanglement entropy from entanglement contour: higher dimensions
Prof. Wen: "Reply to referee 1: We would ..."
in Submissions | report on Entanglement entropy from entanglement contour: higher dimensions
Prof. Armesto: "We thank the Referee for her/h..."
in Submissions | report on Correlations between azimuthal asymmetries and multiplicity and mean transverse momentum in small collisions systems in the CGC