Mr Gunn: "We would like to thank the ref..."
in Submissions | report on Local Transformations of Multiple Multipartite States
Anonymous: "I appreciate the authors' res..."
in Submissions | submission on Possible superconductivity from incoherent carriers in overdoped cuprates by M. Culo, C. Duffy, J. Ayres, M. Berben, Y.-T. Hsu, R. D. H. Hinlopen, B. Bernath and N. E. Hussey
Prof. Tait: "We look forward to receiving y..."
in Comments | comment on Freezing In with Lepton Flavored Fermions
Anonymous: "We thank the referee for empha..."
in Comments | comment on Bosonic and fermionic Gaussian states from Kähler structures
Prof. Sénéchal: "We thank the referee for this ..."
in Submissions | report on Chiral p-wave superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene from dynamical mean field theory