Anonymous: "I thank the authors for the de..."
in Comments | comment on Marginal deformations from type IIA supergravity
Anonymous: "I am still convinced that the ..."
in Comments | comment on Bosonic and fermionic Gaussian states from Kähler structures
Prof. Ye: "Dear Referee, We would like..."
in Submissions | report on Entanglement, Non-Hermiticity, and Duality
Prof. Ye: "Dear Referee, We would like..."
in Submissions | report on Entanglement, Non-Hermiticity, and Duality
Anonymous: "The authors have made a carefu..."
in Comments | comment on Topological states between inversion symmetric atomic insulators
Dr Haldar: "Regarding point 8, our conclus..."
in Submissions | report on Quantum field theory and the Bieberbach conjecture
Mr Hartmann: "Dear referee, We first than..."
in Submissions | report on Entanglement Entropy with Lifshitz Fermions
Ms del Ser: "We thank the referee for the v..."
in Submissions | report on Archimedean screw in driven chiral magnets
Prof. van Nieuwenburg: "Dear Referee #1, We are ver..."
in Submissions | report on A NEAT Quantum Error Decoder