Mr Afferrante: "Dear editor and referee, we..."
in Submissions | report on Testing the mechanism of lepton compositness
Dr Fulga: "Following the Editor's suggest..."
in Submissions | submission on Simulating Floquet topological phases in static systems by Selma Franca, Fabian Hassler, Ion Cosma Fulga
Mr Fan: "We acknowledge referee's accur..."
in Submissions | report on Floquet conformal field theories with generally deformed Hamiltonians
Mr Fan: "We thank the referee for the c..."
in Submissions | report on Floquet conformal field theories with generally deformed Hamiltonians
Dr Neven: "We are grateful to the referee..."
in Submissions | report on Local Transformations of Multiple Multipartite States
Dr Zadnik: "Dear Prof. Fendley, thank y..."
in Submissions | report on The Folded Spin-1/2 XXZ Model: I. Diagonalisation, Jamming, and Ground State Properties