Dr Melia: "We thank the referee for spend..."
in Submissions | report on Spectrum Degeneracies from Quantum Evanescence
Dr Melia: "We thank the referee for the d..."
in Submissions | report on Spectrum Degeneracies from Quantum Evanescence
Dr Melia: "We thank the referee for the p..."
in Submissions | report on Spectrum Degeneracies from Quantum Evanescence
Dr Duaso Pueyo: "Dear referee, Thank you ver..."
in Submissions | report on Perturbative Unitarity and the Wavefunction of the Universe
Dr Duaso Pueyo: "Dear referee, Thank you ver..."
in Submissions | report on Perturbative Unitarity and the Wavefunction of the Universe
Dr Zheng: "We thank the referee for the i..."
in Submissions | report on Decorated Defect Construction of Gapless-SPT States
Anonymous: "We agree. The Ref. [1] was sup..."
in Comments | comment on Resonance Cascades and Number Theory
Dr Ghosh: "We thank the referee for caref..."
in Submissions | report on Majorana zero-modes in a dissipative Rashba nanowire