Anonymous: "While I do agree that the pres..."
in Comments | comment on Heat-transfer fingerprint of Josephson breathers
Mr Łebek: "Dear Referee, thank you for..."
in Submissions | report on Prethermalization in coupled one-dimensional quantum gases
Mr Łebek: "Dear Referee, Thank you for..."
in Submissions | report on Prethermalization in coupled one-dimensional quantum gases
Mr Møller: "We thank the Referee for their..."
in Submissions | report on Identifying diffusive length scales in one-dimensional Bose gases
Mr Møller: "We thank the Referee for their..."
in Submissions | report on Identifying diffusive length scales in one-dimensional Bose gases
Dr Jefferson: "We thank the referee for their..."
in Submissions | report on Crossed product algebras and generalized entropy for subregions