Dr Lin: "We thank Referee for the comme..."
in Submissions | report on Entanglement-enabled symmetry-breaking orders
Anonymous: "The authors use the complex La..."
in Submissions | submission on QCD equation of state via the complex Langevin method by Felipe Attanasio, Benjamin Jäger, Felix P. G. Ziegler
Dr Wang: "> At this point the authors ha..."
in Submissions | report on Self-bound droplets in quasi-two-dimensional dipolar condensates
Prof. Braun: "(Remark: Because of a problem ..."
in Submissions | submission on Speed of sound in dense strong-interaction matter by Jens Braun, Andreas Geißel, Benedikt Schallmo
Dr Inamura: "We would like to thank the ref..."
in Submissions | report on Fusion Surface Models: 2+1d Lattice Models from Fusion 2-Categories