Anonymous: "We thank the reviewer who turn..."
in Comments | comment on Quantifying non-stabilizerness efficiently via information scrambling
Mr Ahmadi: "We defined the relation of the..."
in Submissions | report on Quantifying non-stabilizerness via information scrambling
Mr Ohst: "Thank you for your effort in r..."
in Submissions | report on Certifying Quantum Separability with Adaptive Polytopes
Dr Gu: "Thank you very much for the co..."
in Submissions | report on Non-perturbative topological string theory on compact Calabi-Yau 3-folds
Mr Rousselot: "Thank you for your questions a..."
in Submissions | report on Generative Invertible Quantum Neural Networks
Mr Rousselot: "Thank you for reviewing, we wi..."
in Submissions | report on Generative Invertible Quantum Neural Networks
Prof. Stefanucci: "We thank the Referee for the c..."
in Submissions | report on Semiconductor Electron-Phonon Equations: a Rung Above Boltzmann in the Many-Body Ladder