Francesco Chippari, Marco Picco, Raoul Santachiara
SciPost Phys. 15, 135 (2023) ·
published 4 October 2023
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In this paper we provide new analytic results on two-dimensional $q$-Potts models ($q ≥ 2$) in the presence of bond disorder correlations which decay algebraically with distance with exponent $a$. In particular, our results are valid for the long-range bond disordered Ising model ($q=2$). We implement a renormalization group perturbative approach based on conformal perturbation theory. We extend to the long-range case the RG scheme used in [V. Dotsenko et al., Nucl. Phys. B 455 701-23] for the short-range disorder. Our approach is based on a $2$-loop order double expansion in the positive parameters $(2-a)$ and $(q-2)$. We will show that the Weinrib-Halperin conjecture for the long-range thermal exponent can be violated for a non-Gaussian disorder. We compute the central charges of the long-range fixed points finding a very good agreement with numerical measurements.
Nina Javerzat, Sebastian Grijalva, Alberto Rosso, Raoul Santachiara
SciPost Phys. 9, 050 (2020) ·
published 12 October 2020
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We consider discrete random fractal surfaces with negative Hurst exponent $H<0$. A random colouring of the lattice is provided by activating the sites at which the surface height is greater than a given level $h$. The set of activated sites is usually denoted as the excursion set. The connected components of this set, the level clusters, define a one-parameter ($H$) family of percolation models with long-range correlation in the site occupation. The level clusters percolate at a finite value $h=h_c$ and for $H\leq-\frac{3}{4}$ the phase transition is expected to remain in the same universality class of the pure (i.e. uncorrelated) percolation. For $-\frac{3}{4}<H< 0$ instead, there is a line of critical points with continously varying exponents. The universality class of these points, in particular concerning the conformal invariance of the level clusters, is poorly understood. By combining the Conformal Field Theory and the numerical approach, we provide new insights on these phases. We focus on the connectivity function, defined as the probability that two sites belong to the same level cluster. In our simulations, the surfaces are defined on a lattice torus of size $M\times N$. We show that the topological effects on the connectivity function make manifest the conformal invariance for all the critical line $H<0$. In particular, exploiting the anisotropy of the rectangular torus ($M\neq N$), we directly test the presence of the two components of the traceless stress-energy tensor. Moreover, we probe the spectrum and the structure constants of the underlying Conformal Field Theory. Finally, we observed that the corrections to the scaling clearly point out a breaking of integrability moving from the pure percolation point to the long-range correlated one.
SciPost Phys. 7, 044 (2019) ·
published 7 October 2019
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We perform Monte-Carlo computations of four-point cluster connectivities in the critical 2d Potts model, for numbers of states $Q\in (0,4)$ that are not necessarily integer. We compare these connectivities to four-point functions in a CFT that interpolates between D-series minimal models. We find that 3 combinations of the 4 independent connectivities agree with CFT four-point functions, down to the $2$ to $4$ significant digits of our Monte-Carlo computations. However, we argue that the agreement is exact only in the special cases $Q=0, 3, 4$. We conjecture that the Potts model can be analytically continued to a double cover of the half-plane $\{\Re c <13\}$, where $c$ is the central charge of the Virasoro symmetry algebra.
SciPost Phys. 1, 009 (2016) ·
published 27 October 2016
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We study four-point functions of critical percolation in two dimensions, and more generally of the Potts model. We propose an exact ansatz for the spectrum: an infinite, discrete and non-diagonal combination of representations of the Virasoro algebra. Based on this ansatz, we compute four-point functions using a numerical conformal bootstrap approach. The results agree with Monte-Carlo computations of connectivities of random clusters.
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Liouville theory with a central charge less than one
by Sylvain Ribault, Raoul Santachiara ·
latest activity: 2025-01-02 08:42