SciPost Phys. 5, 015 (2018) ·
published 14 August 2018
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We derive the algebraic description of the Coulomb branch of 3d $\mathcal{N}=4$ $USp(2N)$ SQCD theories with $N_f$ fundamental hypermultiplets and determine their low energy physics in any vacuum from the local geometry of the moduli space, identifying the interacting SCFTs which arise at singularities and possible extra free sectors. The SCFT with the largest moduli space arises at the most singular locus on the Coulomb branch. For $N_f>2N$ (good theories) it sits at the origin of the conical variety as expected. For $N_f =2N$ we find two separate most singular points, from which the two isomorphic components of the Higgs branch of the UV theory emanate. The SCFTs sitting at any of these two vacua have only odd dimensional Coulomb branch generators, which transform under an accidental $SU(2)$ global symmetry. We provide a direct derivation of their moduli spaces of vacua, and propose a Lagrangian mirror theory for these fixed points. For $2 \le N_f < 2N$ the most singular locus has one or two extended components, for $N_f$ odd or even, and the low energy theory involves an interacting SCFT of one of the above types, plus free twisted hypermultiplets. For $N_f=0,1$ the Coulomb branch is smooth. We complete our analysis by studying the low energy theory at the symmetric vacuum of theories with $N < N_f \le 2N$, which exhibits a local Seiberg-like duality.
SciPost Phys. 3, 024 (2017) ·
published 28 September 2017
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We study the complete moduli space of vacua of 3d $\mathcal{N}=4$ $U(N)$ SQCD theories with $N_f$ fundamentals, building on the algebraic description of the Coulomb branch, and deduce the low energy physics in any vacuum from the local geometry of the moduli space. We confirm previous claims for good and ugly SQCD theories, and show that bad theories flow to the same interacting fixed points as good theories with additional free twisted hypermultiplets. A Seiberg-like duality proposed for bad theories with $N \le N_f \le 2N-2$ is ruled out: the spaces of vacua of the putative dual theories are different. However such bad theories have a distinguished vacuum, which preserves all the global symmetries, whose infrared physics is that of the proposed dual. We finally explain previous results on sphere partition functions and elucidate the relation between the UV and IR $R$-symmetry in this symmetric vacuum.