Valentin Benedetti, Horacio Casini, Javier M. Magan
SciPost Phys. 18, 041 (2025) ·
published 3 February 2025
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The Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly determines the violation of chiral symmetry when massless fermions are coupled to an abelian gauge field. In its seminal paper, Adler noticed that a modified chiral $U(1)$ symmetry could still be defined, at the expense of being generated by a non-gauge-invariant conserved current. We show this internal $U(1)$ symmetry has the special feature that it transforms the Haag duality violating sectors (or non local operator classes). This provides a simple unifying perspective on the origin of anomaly quantization, anomaly matching, applicability of Goldstone theorem, and the absence of a Noether current. We comment on recent literature where this symmetry is considered to be either absent or non-invertible. We end by recalling the DHR reconstruction theorem, which states $0$-form symmetries cannot be non-invertible for $d>2$, and argue for a higher form-symmetry reconstruction theorem.
SciPost Phys. 12, 153 (2022) ·
published 10 May 2022
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We compute the leading term of the tripartite information at long distances for three spheres in a CFT. This falls as $r^{-6\Delta}$, where $r$ is the typical distance between the spheres, and $\Delta$, the lowest primary field dimension. The coefficient turns out to be a combination of terms coming from the two- and three-point functions and depends on the OPE coefficient of the field. We check the result with three-dimensional free scalars in the lattice finding excellent agreement. When the lowest-dimensional field is a scalar, we find that the mutual information can be monogamous only for quite large OPE coefficients, far away from a perturbative regime. When the lowest-dimensional primary is a fermion, we argue that the scaling must always be faster than $r^{-6\Delta_f}$. In particular, lattice calculations suggest a leading scaling $ r^{-(6\Delta_f+1)}$. For free fermions in three dimensions, we show that mutual information is also non-monogamous in the long-distance regime.