Konstantin Baune, Johannes Broedel, Egor Im, Artyom Lisitsyn, Yannis Moeckli
SciPost Phys. 18, 093 (2025) ·
published 14 March 2025
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A possible way of constructing polylogarithms on Riemann surfaces of higher genera facilitates integration kernels, which can be derived from generating functions incorporating the geometry of the surface. Functional relations among polylogarithms rely on identities for those integration kernels. In this article, we derive identities for Enriquez' meromorphic generating function and investigate the implications for the associated integration kernels. The resulting identities are shown to be exhaustive and therefore reproduce all identities for Enriquez' kernels conjectured in arXiv:2407.11476 recently.
SciPost Phys. 14, 157 (2023) ·
published 15 June 2023
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Integrability of the one-dimensional Hubbard model and of the factorised scattering problem encountered on the worldsheet of AdS strings can be expressed in terms of a peculiar quantum algebra. In this article, we derive the classical limit of these algebraic integrable structures based on established results for the exceptional simple Lie superalgebra $\mathfrak{d}(2,1;\epsilon)$ along with standard $\mathfrak{sl}(2)$ which form supersymmetric isometries on 3D AdS space. The two major steps in this construction consist in the contraction to a 3D Poincaré superalgebra and a certain reduction to a deformation of the $\mathfrak{u}(2|2)$ superalgebra. We apply these steps to the integrable structure and obtain the desired Lie bialgebras with suitable classical r-matrices of rational and trigonometric kind. We illustrate our findings in terms of representations for on-shell fields on AdS and flat space.