SciPost Phys. 16, 113 (2024) ·
published 26 April 2024
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Bethe Ansatz equations for spin-s Heisenberg spin chain with s≥1 are significantly more difficult to analyze than the spin-$\tfrac{1}{2}$ case, due to the presence of repeated roots. As a result, it is challenging to derive extra conditions for the Bethe roots to be physical and study the related completeness problem. In this paper, we propose the rational Q-system for the XXX$_s$ spin chain. Solutions of the proposed Q-system give all and only physical solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations required by completeness. This is checked numerically and proved rigorously. The rational Q-system is equivalent to the requirement that the solution and the corresponding dual solution of the TQ-relation are both polynomials, which we prove rigorously. Based on this analysis, we propose the extra conditions for solutions of the XXX$_s$ Bethe Ansatz equations to be physical.
SciPost Phys. 15, 103 (2023) ·
published 19 September 2023
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We count the physical Bethe states of quantum integrable models with twisted boundary conditions using the Witten index of 2d supersymmetric gauge theories. For multi-component models solvable by the nested Bethe ansatz, the result is a novel restricted occupancy problem. For the SU(3) spin chain and the t-J model, we propose formulae for the solution count on singular loci in the space of twist parameters.