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  • Diogo Boito, Pere Masjuan, Fabio Oliani

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 049 (2019) · published 22 February 2019 | · pdf

    1 citation

  • Wing Sheung Chan on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 048 (2019) · published 22 February 2019 | · pdf

  • Marta Trini for the Pierre Auger Collaboration

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 047 (2019) · published 22 February 2019 | · pdf

  • Sergey I. Serednyakov on behalf of the BABAR collaboration

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 046 (2019) · published 22 February 2019 | · pdf

  • Maria de los Ángeles Hernández-Ruíz, Ahmet A. Billur, Murat Köksal, Alejandro Gutiérrez-Rodríguez

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 045 (2019) · published 22 February 2019 | · pdf

  • Alejandro Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Murat Köksal, Ahmet A. Billur, Maria de los Ángeles Hernández-Ruíz

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 044 (2019) · published 22 February 2019 | · pdf

  • Alessandra Tonazzo on behalf of the DUNE Collaboration

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 043 (2019) · published 21 February 2019 | · pdf

    1 citation

  • Charles Timmermans for the GRAND collaboration

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 042 (2019) · published 21 February 2019 | · pdf

  • Mogens Dam

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 041 (2019) · published 21 February 2019 | · pdf

    27 citations

  • Toshiyuki Iwamoto on behalf of the MEG II collaboration

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 040 (2019) · published 21 February 2019 | · pdf