Measurement of the dynamic charge response of materials using low-energy, momentum-resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy (M-EELS)
by Sean Vig, Anshul Kogar, Matteo Mitrano, Ali A. Husain, Vivek Mishra, Melinda S. Rak, Luc Venema, Peter D. Johnson, Genda D. Gu, Eduardo Fradkin, Michael R. Norman, Peter Abbamonte,
SciPost Phys. 3, 026 (2017) -
Interaction effects in a multi-channel Fabry-Pérot interferometer in the Aharonov-Bohm regime
by D. Ferraro, E. Sukhorukov,
SciPost Phys. 3, 014 (2017)
Submissions (unpublished only)
Screening and effective RPA-like charge susceptibility in the extended Hubbard model
by Aiman Al-Eryani, Sarah Heinzelmann, Kilian Fraboulet, Friedrich Krien, Sabine Andergassen
(submitted 2024-12-13 to SciPost Physics)
Top experts
- Abbamonte, Prof. Peter
- Ferraro, Dr Dario
- Fradkin, Prof. Eduardo
- Gu, Dr Genda
- Husain, Mr Ali
- Johnson, Prof. Peter
- Kogar, Dr Anshul
- Mishra, Dr Vivek
- Mitrano, Dr Matteo
- Norman, Dr Michael
- Rak, Mrs Mindy
- Sukhorukov, Prof. Eugene
- Venema, Dr Luc
- Vig, Dr Sean