Spin ladders
Entanglement Hamiltonian and effective temperature of non-Hermitian quantum spin ladders
by Pei-Yun Yang, Yu-Chin Tzeng,
SciPost Phys. Core 7, 074 (2024) -
DMRG investigation of constrained models: from quantum dimer and quantum loop ladders to hard-boson and Fibonacci anyon chains
by Natalia Chepiga, Frédéric Mila,
SciPost Phys. 6, 033 (2019) -
Efficient Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of highly frustrated magnets: the frustrated spin-1/2 ladder
by Stefan Wessel, B. Normand, Frédéric Mila, Andreas Honecker,
SciPost Phys. 3, 005 (2017)
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