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Non-equilibrium quantum transport in presence of a defect: the non-interacting case

by Marko Ljubotina, Spyros Sotiriadis, Tomaž Prosen

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Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Marko Ljubotina · Spyros Sotiriadis
Submission information
Preprint Link:  (pdf)
Date accepted: 2018-12-19
Date submitted: 2018-12-04 01:00
Submitted by: Sotiriadis, Spyros
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics - Theory
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Quantum Physics
Approach: Theoretical


We study quantum transport after an inhomogeneous quantum quench in a free fermion lattice system in the presence of a localised defect. Using a new rigorous analytical approach for the calculation of large time and distance asymptotics of physical observables, we derive the exact profiles of particle density and current. Our analysis shows that the predictions of a semiclassical approach that has been extensively applied in similar problems match exactly with the correct asymptotics, except for possible finite distance corrections close to the defect. We generalise our formulas to an arbitrary non-interacting particle-conserving defect, expressing them in terms of its scattering properties.

Author comments upon resubmission

We would like to thank the referees for their comments. We have modified the manuscript accordingly.

List of changes

1. Corrected typo in eq.(24).

2. Modified wording in certain sentences following referee 2 comments.

3. Added two paragraphs at the end of sec. 5 with a discussion on the applicability of our analytical method to more general inhomogeneous initial states.

Published as SciPost Phys. 6, 004 (2019)

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