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Towards two- and three-loop QCD corrections to the width difference in $B_s-\bar{B}_s$ mixing

by Vladyslav Shtabovenko

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Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Vladyslav Shtabovenko
Submission information
Preprint Link:  (pdf)
Date accepted: 2022-02-02
Date submitted: 2021-10-26 15:09
Submitted by: Shtabovenko, Vladyslav
Submitted to: SciPost Physics Proceedings
Proceedings issue: 15th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections: Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology (RADCOR2021)
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • High-Energy Physics - Phenomenology


In this work we address the issue of large perturbative uncertainties in the theory prediction for $\Delta \Gamma_s$, the width difference in the $B^0_s - \bar{B}^0_s$ mixing process. To this aim we complete important steps towards the full analytic result for the previously unknown Wilson coefficients from the matching between $|\Delta B|=1$ and $|\Delta B|=2$ effective Hamiltonians at next-to-next-leading order (NNLO) in the strong coupling constant. We provide a thorough discussion of technical and conceptual difficulties behind this computation and give an outlook regarding the availability of the new NNLO theory prediction for $\Delta \Gamma_s$.

Published as SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 025 (2022)

Reports on this Submission

Report #1 by Anonymous (Referee 1) on 2021-11-27 (Invited Report)


The article reports on the work presented at RADCOR/LoopFest 2021. It fulfills all the requirements for publication in SciPost Proceedings.




The article reports on the work presented at RADCOR/LoopFest 2021. It fulfills all the requirements for publication in SciPost Proceedings and therefore we recommend its publication.

Requested changes


  • validity: high
  • significance: high
  • originality: good
  • clarity: high
  • formatting: excellent
  • grammar: excellent

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