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The role of fluctuations in quantum and classical time crystals

by Toni L. Heugel, Alexander Eichler, R. Chitra, Oded Zilberberg

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Authors (as registered SciPost users): Toni Louis Heugel
Submission information
Preprint Link:  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2023-01-23 22:31
Submitted by: Heugel, Toni Louis
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Quantum Physics
Approaches: Theoretical, Experimental


Discrete time crystals (DTCs) are a many-body state of matter whose dynamics are slower than the forces acting on it. The same is true for classical systems with period-doubling bifurcations. Hence, the question naturally arises what differentiates classical from quantum DTCs. Here, we analyze a variant of the Bose-Hubbard model, which describes a plethora of physical phenomena and has both a classical and a quantum time-crystalline limit. We study the role of fluctuations on the stability of the system and find no distinction between quantum and classical DTCs. This allows us to probe the fluctuations in an experiment using two strongly coupled parametric resonators subject to classical noise.

Author comments upon resubmission

Report 1

We are grateful for the time and effort the referee invested in the second round of review. Some of the comments of the referee clearly helped us to strengthen our manuscript (see point 2). Some critique remains regarding the quantum-to-classical divide, which we believe to arise from a miscommunication on our part (see point 1). In the following reply, we attempt to clarify this matter.

The referee deems our previous revisions and explanations insufficient to warrant publication in the present form, mentioning two issues:

Point 1:

The paper conveys the message that time-crystal phases are classical in character and that quantum effects are not particularly relevant. Some quotes from the most recent version of the paper: 'demonstrating unambiguously that classical and quantum DTC share the same basic properties' and 'We conjecture that there is no fundamental distinction between dissipative classical and quantum time-crystalline phases in this type of system.'

There is a significant amount of literature demonstrating the unique properties of quantum time crystals (and realizing them experimentally) – see e.g. Refs [1-20]. The models considered in these references are not similar to the referee's Hamiltonian as they often take the form of spin models which have no classical analogue. Thus, to me, the author's Hamiltonian is not so general and their conclusions are more limited than the paper suggests.

Reply 1:

We do indeed arrive at the conclusion that quantum effects (i.e. non-classical effects) are unimportant for DTCs. We show this on the example of two coupled KPOs. Nevertheless, based on general textbook principles of quantum mechanics, it appears evident to us that the same should be true for any realistic system.

When we speak of quantum effects, we explicitly mean only effects that do not arise in classical systems, such as coherent superposition. Furthermore, our arguments only concern the long-time limit which is relevant for DTCs, and experimentally realizable systems with a finite degree of coupling to an environment. Basically, what we claim is simply that quantum coherence in an open system cannot be preserved over infinite timescales. Decoherence, in turn, leads to statistical mixing between states with different symmetries, and therefore to a restoration of the overall symmetry. A system with a restored symmetry does not count as a time crystal. In our understanding, these statements form the foundations of statistical physics and are not controversial at all.

We are aware that the time crystal community often cites the idea of a infinitely large, yet perfectly closed system composed out of perfectly uncoupled subsystems, such as spins. It is valid to speculate about such a system, and we have now revised our manuscript to mention this idea. However, we limit our argumentation to partially open systems, because each realistic system is of finite size and has a finite coupling to the outside world (especially when it is driven). The experiments that the referee cites are clearly open systems and suffer from loss of coherence over long timescales. They show time-translation symmetry breaking, which is fascinating, but do not fulfil criterion (ii).

We emphasize that it is not relevant if an experiment was conducted with spins or an oscillator. The mean-field behavior of a single spin can be described entirely with classical mechanics (see e.g. the second chapter in "Principles of Magnetic Resonance" by C. P. Slichter). Any non-classical effect arising in these spin systems, such as a quantum superposition, vanishes beyond a very short timescale.

Changes 1:

Throughout the manuscript, we emphasized that our arguments pertain to systems subject to fluctuations. Furthermore, we revised our conclusion section and formulated our claim in a more specific way to avoid misunderstandings. In appendix B, we provide the relevant quantum notation to support our discussion of coherent quantum states.

Point 2:

The author's analysis of the Hamiltonian for general N is confusing and unclear. The Hamiltonian in Eq. (1) is, in general, difficult to solve as it contains up to quartic terms. It is thus unclear to me:

i) In which parameter regimes (i.e. how weak does V_{j} need to be?) the results of Section II and the conclusions of the paper are valid.

ii) Which parts of the authors' analysis on Eq. (1) are original versus which parts of their analysis stem from previous literature or the classical limit of the Hamiltonian (the authors suggest Fig. 1b was calculated from 'the parameters of the classical system' – I am confused as to what this means and how it relates to Eq. (1))

iii) At which point the author's analyze the system for N > 2 in the dissipative regime. The author's reply suggest their discussion includes the 'general case of N oscillators' yet I can only see meaningful quantitative analysis for N = 2 oscillators.

Reply 2:

We gratefully take this opportunity to clarify these questions.

i) The theory is valid for strong coupling, while the rest of the terms are small, i.e., small detuning, small nonlinearity, parametric driving not much larger than the threshold value, and small damping. These are the usual constraints of perturbation theory, and the regime relevant for most experiments. This is the most stringent limitation beyond the fact that we only study the long-time solutions of open systems.

We added after Eq. (2) the explanation: "The RWA is equivalent to the lowest-order Floquet expansion, and relies on the fact that the corrections to the linear mode basis are nondegenerate and small [51]."

ii) There are several steps taken in the paper. We elucidate the origin and novelty of each step:

a. The standard rotating wave approximation is taken on the Eq. (1) in the most common and standard way – appearing often in the literature.

b. On top of the rotating Hamiltonian, we move to the normal mode basis – a common transformation that appears often in the literature.

c. In the normal mode picture, we describe the appearing Hamiltonian terms. We then argue, based on standard perturbation theory, which terms vanish to lowest order in the relevant parameter regimes (I-III in the manuscript) – this is also a standard approach but its application to the KPO network is new.

d. The semiclassical treatment plus study of fluctuations is a standard technique, which we apply to the KPO network.

e. The stationary solutions of the experimental system were characterized in a previous study, see Ref. [50]. Figure 2(b) is a reproduction of the theory result to serve as an overview for the reader.

iii) It is correct that we present quantitative results only for the case of N=2, because these are the results that we can compare to an experiment. However, Eqs. (2) and (6) provide a recipe for treating systems for arbitrary N. The occurrence of normal mode in the limit of a damped harmonic oscillator is obvious, and Eq. (4) describes the effects of the parametric drive in the normal-mode basis. As long as the nonlinearity is weak enough, the individual modes are essentially uncoupled and their behavior follows directly from that of a single parametric oscillator, which was treated in Ref. [46] among many other works. ---

Report 2

In our previous reply to the referee's first comment, we provided detailed arguments as to the nature of the symmetry breaking and waveform collapse in quantum systems. These arguments are based on textbook quantum mechanics and on the derivations provided in our own manuscript. The referee did not enter a scientific debate at all, accusing us instead of lacking "mathematical accuracy". The short and disparaging referee report does not contain any new information and is not constructive in a scientific environment. We hope the referee is willing to reenter a fact-based, constructive exchange with us.

For the benefit of the Referee, we added section B in the appendix to clarify the mathematical notation of quantum states. We will be happy to provide further clarification upon request.

Current status:
Has been resubmitted

Reports on this Submission

Anonymous Report 3 on 2023-2-26 (Invited Report)

  • Cite as: Anonymous, Report on arXiv:2203.05577v3, delivered 2023-02-26, doi: 10.21468/SciPost.Report.6797


The revised version of the manuscript does not address my main concerns. I have no comments regarding the classical analysis presented in the article, but the quantum part and its relation to quantum discrete time crystals (DTC) are misleading. My specific criticisms are as follows: 

1/ The results of the quantum problem considered in the article correspond to a two-mode system with only a few photons (see Fig.2(c)-2(e)). Such a system has nothing to do with spontaneous symmetry breaking in quantum systems and formation of a DTC, where only in the thermodynamic limit states with broken symmetry can live infinitely long. The statement given in the introduction that "We observe that the quantum many-body system forms normal modes [fulfilling (i) and (iii)] with DTC phases that mix over time through quantum fluctuations" pertains to the case of several photons, and not to DTC, and is therefore not true. 

2/ The authors present quantum results for several photons in the system. Equation (8) correctly describes quantum fluctuations not for several photons, but in the limit of a large number of photons, i.e., in the mean-field limit. In the mean-field limit, quantum fluctuations compared to the values of \alpha_j are negligible besides close vicinity of a bifurcation point, where quantum fluctuations are large and the mean-field description breaks down. In the mean-field limit, thermal fluctuations in the quantum system can be described by equation (8), and for sufficiently high temperatures, it can be expected that they will be similar to the thermal fluctuations in the classical case. That is, it is well known that the Bogoliubov-de Gennes operator in the description of fluctuations around the mean-field state is exactly the same as the Jackobian matrix of (7), see e.g. chapters 6 and 7 in Castin, arXiv:cond-mat/0105058. Therefore, while thermal fluctuations in the quantum and classical dissipative DTCs may be similar, the connection of classical thermal fluctuations with quantum fluctuations for a small number of photons does not seem to be justified.

3/ The quantum tunneling between symmetry broken states of the two-mode system with a few photons is confused with the problem of pre-thermalization in many-body systems in the presence of many modes that couple to states corresponding to time crystals. Quantum tunneling decays exponentially quickly in the thermodynamic limit, and is not related to the pre-thermalization effect discussed in discrete time crystals (see Ref.[3]), which may be present even, and perhaps especially, in the thermodynamic limit.

4/ The system considered in the article is open. The term "dissipative time crystals" should appear in the title.

5/ The second paragraph on page 3 and Appendix B are misleading in the context of time crystals in many-body-localized (MBL) spin systems. Discrete time crystals in MBL systems are represented by pure states, and the thermodynamic limit is necessary because then they live infinitely long. Meanwhile, the authors in Appendix B consider mixed states composed of different states with broken symmetry, in which symmetry breaking and DTC will not be visible. It is like conducting many DTC experiments with pure states in the Google sycamore quantum computer Ref.[21] and then averaging the results.

6/ In the last paragraph of Sec.II, the authors write that "Opening the system to weak dissipation channels does not impact the stability diagram in a radical way." This is true for the system considered in the article, but it is not generally true for discrete time crystals in closed systems. In MBL spin systems, introducing dissipation kills MBL and DTC, see Lazarides and Moessner, PRB 95, 195135 (2017). Therefore, once again, the authors should emphasize in the title and in the article itself that they are considering a dissipative version of discrete time crystals.

7/ It is not clear to me what Hamiltonian the authors are using in (6) to find stationary states. Is it the RWA Hamiltonian (2) or the exact Hamiltonian (1)? If it is the latter, what do they mean by "stationary \rho_s," and at what time t are the results presented in Fig.2? 

In summary, I emphasize once again that I have no critical comments on the classical part, but the quantum part and its relation to quantum discrete time crystals, especially in closed systems, make the manuscript unacceptable for publication.

  • validity: -
  • significance: -
  • originality: -
  • clarity: -
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  • grammar: -

Report 2 by Mark Dykman on 2023-2-18 (Contributed Report)




  • validity: -
  • significance: -
  • originality: -
  • clarity: -
  • formatting: -
  • grammar: -

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