SciPost Submission Page
NuHepMC: A standardized event record format for neutrino event generators
by Steven Gardiner, Joshua Isaacson, Luke Pickering
Submission summary
Authors (as registered SciPost users): | Steven Gardiner |
Submission information | |
Preprint Link: | (pdf) |
Code repository: | |
Date submitted: | 2024-06-27 20:59 |
Submitted by: | Gardiner, Steven |
Submitted to: | SciPost Physics Codebases |
Ontological classification | |
Academic field: | Physics |
Specialties: |
Approach: | Computational |
Simulations of neutrino interactions are playing an increasingly important role in the pursuit of high-priority measurements for the field of particle physics. A significant technical barrier for efficient development of these simulations is the lack of a standard data format for representing individual neutrino scattering events. We propose and define such a universal format, named NuHepMC, as a common standard for the output of neutrino event generators. The NuHepMC format uses data structures and concepts from the HepMC3 event record library adopted by other subfields of high-energy physics. These are supplemented with an original set of conventions for generically representing neutrino interaction physics within the HepMC3 infrastructure.
Current status:
Reports on this Submission
This manuscript presents a new format for the output of neutrino generators, aimed at establishing a community-wide standard. The authors argue that the format will facilitate comparisons across various event generators. The format builds on the structures developed for the HepMC3 event record library, which is already in use in other HEP-ex fields.
The authors should address some points, listed in the "Requested changes."
Overall, I find this to be a valuable contribution that deserves publication. However, I believe the authors should address some points for clarity and completeness.
Requested changes
General comments:
Repository: It would be highly beneficial to include a link to a repository. Specifically, I recommend that the authors provide the scripts used to generate Figure 1. This will greatly enhance the utility of the manuscript for readers.
Dependencies: The authors should clarify the dependencies that the proposed format introduces for event generators. For instance, does this imply that generators need to install HepMC3? Does this limit the format to C++-based generators, or are there options for Python-based codes? Are there Python bindings for the NuHepMC structures? A detailed explanation of how to integrate this format into existing generators and any associated limitations would be helpful.
Specific comments:
- Page 8: The attributes for "Beam Energy Distribution Description" are not well-suited for atmospheric neutrino experiments, which involve multiple energies and baselines. The manuscript should clarify how such information can be incorporated.
- Page 9: The term "Nevents" should be clarified—does it refer to the number of generated events or the number of interactions?
- Page 9: Currently, "ParticleStatusInfo" is labeled as a "Suggestion". Why not formalize this as a "Convention"?
- Page 9: It might be useful to include a label that informs users about the reference frame used for all the provided data.
- Page 11: Table 1 lists several processes. The difference between SIS and DIS should be clearly explained for better understanding.
- Page 13: The link between "outgoing real particle" and "observable" is unclear. For instance, particles like taus, which can decay but are observable at high energy, could fit this category. This distinction should be explained in more detail.
- Page 21-22: Figures 2, 3, and 4 are difficult to read. Please enlarge these figures for better legibility.
Publish (meets expectations and criteria for this Journal)