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EMRI_MC: A GPU-based code for Bayesian inference of EMRI waveforms

by Ippocratis D. Saltas, Roberto Oliveri

This is not the latest submitted version.

Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Ippocratis Saltas
Submission information
Preprint Link:  (pdf)
Code repository:
Code version: v1
Code license: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Data repository:
Date submitted: 2024-04-04 18:16
Submitted by: Saltas, Ippocratis
Submitted to: SciPost Physics Codebases
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Gravitation, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Approach: Computational


We describe a simple and efficient Python code to perform Bayesian forecasting for gravitational waves (GW) produced by Extreme-Mass-Ratio-Inspiral systems (EMRIs). The code runs on GPUs for an efficient parallelised computation of thousands of waveforms and sampling of the posterior through a Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. EMRI_MC generates EMRI waveforms based on the so--called kludge scheme, and propagates it to the observer accounting for cosmological effects in the observed waveform due to modified gravity/dark energy. Extending the code to more accurate schemes for the generation of the waveform is straightforward. Despite the known limitations of the kludge formalism, we believe that the code can provide a helpful resource for the community working on forecasts for interferometry missions in the milli-Hz scale, predominantly, the satellite-mission LISA.

Current status:
Has been resubmitted

Reports on this Submission

Report #1 by Anonymous (Referee 1) on 2024-8-27 (Invited Report)


1-Detailed, well explained ideas.
2-Implementation of software for accelerated computations for the analysis of Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals.
3-Waveform models include modified gravity effects.
4-Accompanied with software that is quite easy to use and modify.


1-Data analysis section needs more detailed descriptions of the methodology that was followed.


Please see attached file

Requested changes

Please see attached file



Publish (easily meets expectations and criteria for this Journal; among top 50%)

  • validity: high
  • significance: high
  • originality: good
  • clarity: high
  • formatting: perfect
  • grammar: excellent

Author:  Ippocratis Saltas  on 2024-10-10  [id 4858]

(in reply to Report 1 on 2024-08-27)

Dear Editors and Referee,

We would like to thank you for your efforts and the highly constructive feedback. The Referee’s feedback has improved significantly our code and manuscript.

Below, we repeat the Referee’s comments for conveniences, and we explain below our response and relevant edits in the text. Please notice that the new edits in the manuscript are highlighted in colour. At the end of our response below, we also list some other overall changes we made in the code. We also notice that we are planning to update our code on Zenodo upon acceptance of the manuscript.

We hope that now our paper will be suitable for publication in Sci-post. We would like to thank you again for your help and feedback which has now improve our work so much.

Best regards,

Ippocratis Saltas and Roberto Oliveri

A. Comments on the manuscript

1.First general comment: I find that the text is in need of more detailed discussion on the comparison of past implementations of EMRI analyses and the one introduced in this work. I believe that a discussion section (or at least a few paragraphs) should be written, in order to stress the novel ideas introduced here.

We agree with the Referee and we have now added more details about this in the manuscript file.

2. In section 2, the authors write "Parameter forecasting for EMRI signals is not an easy task, because of the challenge to model their waveforms and the high-dimensional parameter space that needs be explored". This is true, and another challenge is the multimodality of the likelihood, and possible degeneracies (e.g. see Chua & Cutler 2022). Another is the potential overlap and confusion with other signals (transient or stochastic, e.g. see works about the Global Fit of the LISA data).

We thank the Referee for bringing this up. We have commented on this in the introduction of the paper with the proposed references in order to give a broader overview.

3. End of section 2, item (iv): Up to this point it is not entirely clear which elements of the analysis are parallelized with GPU hardware. Before section 3, it would be useful to see a short list of items that the authors have improved with GPU parallelisation (e.g. the likelihood and/or the different parts of waveform). Otherwise the reader must go through the complete text, or even the code, in order to read this information.

We have now explicitly stated the improvements coming from the GPU parallelisation. Some additional edits in this regards are also implemented afterwards in the manuscript at relevant points for the sake of completeness.

Section 4: Considering the challenges of the analysis of EMRI signals, I believe that the section 4 is a bit short and lacks details (especially compared to the rest of the manuscript). In particular, it is not clear whether the analysis is performed by using the Time Delay Inteferometry (TDI) channels, or it is done directly in h_c (or similar) units. For the former, a more detailed description is required about the number of channels, and wether a noise orthogonal TDI combination is adopted (this could be assumed from eq. 8, but it should be properly described in the text). If the analysis is done in h_c units it should also be clearly stated and described, because it could introduce simplifying assumptions in the parameter estimation process. Usually this is done by assuming ideal instrument and perfect knowledge of the overall system (for example ignoring transfer function variations for the various noises and signals, as well as other analysis complications such as correlations between channels). A simple plot of some mock data in frequency domain could be useful in this section.

We thank the Referee for this comment. We added comments in this direction in section 2 and 3. We have explicitly clarified now that the analysis is performed in the LISA frame. We further assume LISA is an ideal detector, meaning that we neglected any variation of the LISA antenna patterns and/or various signals and noises, except for the instrumental LISA noise in the likelihood.

5. Same section: It is not stated wether the analysis is "noiseless", or if the instrumental noise is simulated from the noise curve (or any other method). Maybe it's evident from the code implementation, but I think it should also be clear in the text.

We have clarified this point with a comment after equation (8).

6. Same section on the 'waveform computation' paragraph: Extrinsic parameters are kept fixed at true values for the parameter estimation analysis. This is another simplification in that needs to be stated in the introduction and/or the discussion sections.

We would like to emphasise that these parameters are kept fixed in the particular demonstration of the code we presented in the draft. However, these parameters can be allowed to vary in the code. We have added a comment to clarify this in “waveform computation” in Section 3 and at the end of Section 4.

7. Same section, 'Functionality overview' paragraph: One can assume that the MCMC walkers are parallelized with multiprocessing (CPU), but it would be better to clearly state it in the text for the readers not familiar with the emcee software.

We have added a comment to clarify this in the “Functionality overview” paragraph. We have also improved the overall text of that paragraph.

8. Same paragraph as above: The efficiency and performance of the software is reported. While it's very challenging to directly compare with other software implementations from previous works, I think it would be beneficial to present some ballpark estimates for comparison.

The Referee’s suggestion is definitely interesting, though we believe that a meaningful and comprehensive comparison of our software with other software implementation is beyond the scope of the present work. The reason being that other software implementations use different waveform generators (e.g., FastEMRIWaveforms includes post-adiabatic effects that we neglect) and/or use different MCMC samplers. Indeed, Referee’s suggestion is one of the “future directions” to be taken.

9. Figure 2: Crosses that mark the true value (zero in this particular case), are useful in order to visually check for correlations directly from the figure. Also, the authors state that "The constraints are somewhat tighter than those in the literature [13], as our MCMC exploration covers a smaller EMRIs’ parameter space". This is indeed probably one of the reasons to get smaller relative errors on the parameters, but other simplifying assumptions on the analysis (as speculated in previous points) could also contribute. Another reason could be the different version of instrumental noise. The one used here is quite outdated. In summary, I believe that more possible explanations should be added here and in the main text as a short discussion on the results.

We agree with the Referee that this is an important aspect which needs to be highlighted. We have added relevant comments at the end of Section 4 and in the caption of Figure 2.

B. Comments on the software

1. I believe that there are many benefits when (at least part of) the code is pip-installable. In my eyes, the most important element is the waveform implementation, which could be used as a direct plugin in other likelihoods and analysis pipelines. This could also expand the potential user-base of the software.

This is an interesting suggestion, which we have implemented, but in the end decided not to pursue. The reason is that pip installation handles the file structure and permissions of the code’s files/modules in a way which is different to the philosophy of the code, and it would narrow significantly the flexibility in modifying it by the user. In fact, since our code requires the user to have direct access and editing permission to all modules in order to adjust to the particular problem at hand (e.g modification of the parameter vectors, etc), the pip installation could obstruct this. However, we are still planning to implement pip installation in the future, after we modularise our code to a higher level supplemented with appropriate inlist files which will be accessible to the user directly.

2. About the likelihood computation: Unless I am mistaken, the likelihood function is computed serially for each of the walkers. However, the emcee (or similar MCMC implementations) support vectorized likelihood outputs. This means that it is possible to build a likelihood function that has as input a matrix of parameter values [n_walkers x n_parameters], computes an array of residuals [n_walkers x n_datapoints] and then outputs a vector of likelihood [n_walkers, ] values, each corresponding to each walker. This allows for even higher efficiency with the GPU hardware, which is ideal for such vectorized operations.

This is also another interesting idea which we have implemented. Now, the code gives the user the option to either parallelise the walkers through the multi-processing framework (which is what we were using before), as well as to instead build a likelihood which has as input a matrix of parameter values (N_walkers x N_parameters), making use of the “vectorize” functionality of our MCMC sampler, “emcee”.  Whether this leads to a faster computation, we did not explore in detail. For our 4-parameter example, we did not see improvement, but it is expected that the new parallelisation provides more efficient computations as long as the dimensionality of the parameter space increases.

3. From the code it is clear that the analysis is performed on 'noiseless' data, i.e. no noise is simulated. Then, the likelihood can be simplified to (d|h) - 0.5 (h|h) . E.g. see eq. (31) from Cañizares et al 2013.

We thank the Referee for pointing this out, however, we decided to retain the form of our likelihood in the code for practical reasons.

4. Unless I am mistaken, the noise is computed at each iteration, which is probably redundant, unless the noise is to be inferred from the data. A solution would be to precompute it and use it like the rest of the global constants. Another idea would be to transform the likelihood function into a likelihood class, which would compute the noise vector once and store it for use at each evaluation.

We thank the Referee for bringing this up, and we have indeed made the noise a (pre-computed) global vector. This has improved the speed of the code. Motivated by this comment, we have make a check throughout the code to make similar improvements, and we spotted similar issues. In particular, we removed the computation of the fiducial model in some recurrent parts of the code and instead, make promoted it to a truly global vector.

5. A very useful idea (but would require some extra work), is to make the code CPU/GPU agnostic. At the beginning of the script one can check if a GPU device is detected. If not, then the usual numpy library can be imported as import numpy as cp , and continue with the computations using the available CPUs. This adjustment would make the software more robust, and probably quite useful to the potential users with no access to GPUs.

Although this suggestion would certainly make the code available to a broader set of users, we found that making it CPU-only executable would be a highly non-trivial task, which could also compromise to the efficiency of the computations.  In particular, many parts of the code are written specifically for cuda’s particular structure, such as the special functions used in the waveform computation.  Therefore, we decided to not pursue this suggestion, however, we have implemented a script which checks in the first execution of the example Jupyter notebook whether a GPU exists.

Other changes in the code/manuscript:

1.We have improved the coding style at some parts of the code. 2.We have corrected typos in the documentation/comments within the code. 3.We have introduced the new command “run_code()” which executes the MCMC run once all parameters are defined, and we have adopted the manuscript to reflect new changes in the code. 4.We have improved the efficiency of the code by making even more variables global (pre-computed). 5.We made a slight change in the title of the paper, adding the word “Python”, infront of the word “code”. The new title now reads: “emri_mc: A GPU-based Python code for Bayesian inference of EMRI waveforms”. 6.We have improved the README file of our code providing detailed instructions for its manual installation. 7.Added a new comment in the draft (Section 5) to reflect some recent interesting works int he literature on machine learning methods.

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