SciPost Submission Page
Entropy Driven Inductive Response of Topological Insulators
by A. Mert Bozkurt, Sofie Kölling, Alexander Brinkman, İnanç Adagideli
Submission summary
Authors (as registered SciPost users): | Inanc Adagideli · A. Mert Bozkurt · Sofie Kölling |
Submission information | |
Preprint Link: | (pdf) |
Date submitted: | 2024-10-29 08:03 |
Submitted by: | Bozkurt, A. Mert |
Submitted to: | SciPost Physics Core |
Ontological classification | |
Academic field: | Physics |
Specialties: |
Approach: | Theoretical |
3D topological insulators are characterized by an insulating bulk and extended surface states exhibiting a helical spin texture. In this work, we investigate the hyperfine interaction between the spin-charge coupled transport of electrons and the nuclear spins in these surface states. Previous work has predicted that in the quantum spin Hall insulator phase, work can be extracted from a bath of polarized nuclear spins as a resource. We employ nonequilibrium Green's function analysis to show that a similar effect exists on the surface of a 3D topological insulator, albeit rescaled by the ratio between electronic mean free path and device length. The induced current due to thermal relaxation of polarized nuclear spins has an inductive nature. We emphasize the inductive response by rewriting the current-voltage relation in harmonic response as a lumped element model containing two parallel resistors and an inductor. In a low-frequency analysis, a universal inductance value emerges that is only dependent on the device's aspect ratio. This scaling offers a means of miniaturizing inductive circuit elements. An efficiency estimate follows from comparing the spin-flip induced current to the Ohmic contribution. The inductive effect is most prominent in topological insulators which have a large number of spinful nuclei per coherent segment, of which the volume is given by the mean free path length, Fermi wavelength and penetration depth of the surface state.
Author comments upon resubmission
We thank the referee for their comments and overall positive evaluation. Here, we give our point by point response to address referee's comments and questions:
1) "Why is the resulting interaction expected to be of the Heisenberg type, and not, e.g., dominated by Ising terms, depending on the detailed orbital angular momentum of the states? Is the behavior of all materials investigated in Sec. 3.2 expected to be the same in this respect? Etc."
- We thank the referee for their comment. In this manuscript, we focus on the Fermi contact interaction, which is the dominant interaction for electrons in s-bands. The orbital structure of topological surface states typically consists of a mixture of s- and p-type orbitals, and their exact relative weight varies across different materials. For electrons in p-bands, as the referee points out, the hyperfine interaction can indeed be more complicated. However, the energy scale of the hyperfine interaction for electrons in p-type orbitals is at least an order of magnitude smaller than that for electrons in s-type orbitals. Hence even if the bands mix, as long as the s-orbital component is significant, the dominant interaction will be the Fermi contact interaction. This was noted in a previous study that focused on the effective hyperfine interaction for the helical edge states in HgTe, which are a mixture of p-type and s-type orbitals, see. In the present work, for the sake of simplicity, we ignore the subleading contribution and assume that the electron/nuclear spin dynamics is dominated by the the contribution of the s-type orbitals. The effective interaction strength is determined by the weight of the s-band in the surface state orbital structure, multiplied by their bare interaction strength. This approximation is valid for materials with significant s-type orbital character, even if it is smaller than the p-orbital weight. To make our point more accessible to the reader, we have added the reference we mentioned above and two more references.
2) "..In reality, such entropy gain will also be achieved via nuclear spin diffusion into the bulk (through nuclear spin-spin interactions). Typically, this is a relatively slow process, but since the effect on the charge current found here is also very small it would be good to compare the relevant time scales more quantitatively."
* The referee is right in pointing out that spin-flip interactions via hyperfine coupling is not the only mechanism causing a change in nuclear polarization: dipole-dipole interaction between nuclear spins leads to a diffusion of the nuclear spin (polarized by the topological surface state) into the bulk of the material. This mechanism changes the entropy of the nuclear spin subsystem as well. However, the energy scale of the dipole-dipole interaction is orders of magnitude lower than the Fermi contact interaction. As an example, we consider two Bismuth nuclear spins ($\gamma_{Bi}$: 6.9 MHz/T, [see Ref.](, spaced apart by the lattice constant of BST $a_0 =$ 0.439 nm. The resulting dipole-dipole interaction [given in Ref.]( is proportional to $\mu_0 \gamma_1 \gamma_2 \hbar^2/(4\pi r^3) =$ 8.310$^{-14}$ eV. In comparison, the Fermi contact interaction is proportional to $\lambda = A_0 v_0/\xi =$ 2.5 $\mu$eV nm$^2$, which is multiple orders of magnitude larger than the dipole-dipole interaction. Furthermore, we point out that the orders of magnitude difference between Fermi contact interaction and dipole-dipole interaction is quite generic. Therefore we assume that entropy loss via diffusion through dipole-dipole interaction is negligible on the timescales of the inductive effect.
3) "Since I consider the pedagogic style of the manuscript one of its key values, I would recommend adding one initial step at the beginning of App. B, defining the greater and lesser Green functions and showing how (67,68) follow. This would balance that part with the very detailed introduction provided around Eqs. (3-7)."
- We thank the referee for their comment. Following their suggestion, we have extended the discussion around Eq. 67 and 68, showing how to get the lesser and greater Green's functions and calculate them.
List of changes
* We added two more references about the effect of s- and p-orbital mixing on the hyperfine coupling in Section 3.2. We also made Ref. 26 accessible.
* Following referee's suggestion, we extended the discussion about the in Appendix B.
* We fixed a couple of typos.
Current status:
Reports on this Submission
I read the new version of the manuscript as well as the authors' reply to my previous comments, and I think that the manuscript is ready for publication now.
Concerning point (2), the reply is not fully complete (in my view): Comparing the efficiency of two processes by comparing two quantities that have different dimensions is of course questionable; the in-plane wave functions and densities should also be included to make a fair comparison. I, however, do (and did) agree that the role of nuclear spin diffusion will be small and I am fine with disregarding it in this context, I was just interested in a quantitative comparison.
Publish (meets expectations and criteria for this Journal)