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Investigation of role of antisite disorder in pristine cage compound FeGa3

by C. Kaufmann Ribeiro , L. Mello , V. Martelli , D. Cornejo , M. Fantini , M. B. Silva Neto , E. Fogh , H. M. Rønnow and J. Larrea Jiménez

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Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Cauê Kaufmann Ribeiro
Submission information
Preprint Link: scipost_202208_00034v2  (pdf)
Date accepted: 2023-05-09
Date submitted: 2023-03-25 16:55
Submitted by: Kaufmann Ribeiro, Cauê
Submitted to: SciPost Physics Proceedings
Proceedings issue: International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2022)
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics - Experiment
Approach: Experimental


The role of controlled Fe antisite disorder in the narrow gap semiconductor FeGa$_3$ has been investigated. Polycrystalline samples were synthesized by the combination of arc-melting furnace and successive annealing processes. Deviations from occupation numbers of Fe and Ga sites expected in the pristine compound were obtained from X-ray data using Rietveld refinement analysis. Besides that, electrical transport and magnetization measurements reveal that hierarchy in Fe and Ga site disorder tunes the ground state of FeGa$_3$ from paramagnetic semiconductor to a magnetic metal. These findings are discussed inside the framework of Anderson localization in the vicinity of metal-semiconductor transitions and spin fluctuations.

Author comments upon resubmission

We thank the referee for his/her work revising our manuscript, where he/she judges our manuscript deserves a publication in the conference proceedings after minor corrections. We have carefully considered your suggestions and have made the necessary revisions to the manuscript. We have included a detailed description of the calculation of the Structural factor and also how the site occupancy numbers are obtained, as per your suggestion. Additionally, we have included a careful discussion on the electrical resistivity of the as-cast grown sample, which we believe will provide a more comprehensive understanding of our findings.

List of changes

1 - We have included a detailed description of the calculation of the structure factor S(q).
2- We have included a detailed description on how SON are obtained from XRD Rietveld analysis
3- We change the claiming that defects induce a magnetic state, substituting by paramagnetic state and including a more detailed discussion of the magnetic properties of our compound.
4- We have included a careful discussion on the electrical resistivity of the as-cast grown sample, including a new explanation to the large Af.
5- We correct the labels in the figures 5.

Published as SciPost Phys. Proc. 11, 023 (2023)

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