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Symmetry energy in holographic QCD

by Lorenzo Bartolini, Sven Bjarke Gudnason

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Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Sven Bjarke Gudnason
Submission information
Preprint Link: scipost_202312_00005v1  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2023-12-02 07:44
Submitted by: Gudnason, Sven Bjarke
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • High-Energy Physics - Theory
  • High-Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Approaches: Theoretical, Phenomenological


We study the symmetry energy (SE), an important quantity in nuclear physics, in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model and in a much simpler hard-wall model of holographic QCD. The SE is the energy contribution to the nucleus due to having an unequal number of neutrons and protons. Using a homogeneous Ansatz representing smeared instantons and quantizing their isospin, we extract the SE and the proton fraction assuming charge neutrality and beta-equilibrium, using quantization of the isospin zeromode. We also show the equivalence between our method adapted from solitons and the usual way of the isospin controlled by a chemical potential at the holographic boundary. We find that the SE can be well described in the WSS model if we allow for a larger 't Hooft coupling and lower Kaluza-Klein scale than is normally used in phenomenological fits, passing all experimental constraints and is compatible with results from nuclear physics at low densities.

Current status:
Has been resubmitted

Reports on this Submission

Anonymous Report 2 on 2024-5-9 (Invited Report)

  • Cite as: Anonymous, Report on arXiv:scipost_202312_00005v1, delivered 2024-05-09, doi: 10.21468/SciPost.Report.9019


The paper applies two holographic models to compute the symmetry energy of nuclear matter. In both models a simple approximation of dense, homogeneous nuclear matter is used. The questions addressed in the paper are timely and the results are new (improving on existing results in the literature). The paper is well written, all calculations are explained in a clear and transparent way. I do not have any major concerns and thus recommend publication in principle. I have some comments that should be address before publication:

(1) In the abstract, the authors claim that after adjusting the parameters the results "pass all experimental constraints". Isn't this a bit too strong? For instance, the authors say themselves in the paper that the saturation density is not reproduced correctly (and they never mention additional properties of nuclear matter such as the binding energy or the compressibility). Additionally, they also do discuss in the paper that mesonic properties and the nucleon mass are not correctly reproduced (with the new parameters used here). All this makes the formulation in the abstract very misleading and I would strongly suggest to find a more honest formulation.

(2) Somewhat related to the previous point: The authors say on p10 that the saturation density rho_0 is a factor 3 too large. But this can only be true for a fixed parameter set. It would be good to know what that value is in the regime where the symmetry energy assumes realistic values. Also, rho_0 probably changes from curve to curve in fig 1 for example. Some warning or a comment on the range of values rho_0 can assume might be helpful.

(3) A more general comment about the interpretation of the results: All numerical results in Sec 4 and 5 are presented more or less as observations without trying to interpret or understand them. For instance, do the results suggest to keep using the models because the symmetry energy comes out right, despite shortcomings for rho_0 (and possibly the never mentioned binding energy)? Or should the models or the approximations for nuclear matter be improved? Are the deviations and (partial) agreement with real-world physics expected and can they be explained for instance with large-N_c artifacts? Is there a physical explanation why a larger 't Hooft coupling leads to a more realistic symmetry energy? Given that the paper also contains interesting theoretical novelties it might be acceptable to keep these interpretations short, but the lack of any discussion along these lines is clearly a weakness of the manuscript.


Ask for minor revision

  • validity: -
  • significance: -
  • originality: -
  • clarity: -
  • formatting: -
  • grammar: -

Anonymous Report 1 on 2024-4-10 (Invited Report)

  • Cite as: Anonymous, Report on arXiv:scipost_202312_00005v1, delivered 2024-04-10, doi: 10.21468/SciPost.Report.8858


The paper has a clear goal, the procedure is carefully explained, and the results obtained and comparisons with previous publications are clearly discussed.


Given the equivalence with previous works discussed briefly in the main text and in detail in appendix A (up to some details) the paper would benefit from a more explicit discussion of the motivation for carrying out the present computation, not only from the technical point of view but also in view of possible future directions of investigation.


In holographic QCD models baryons are usually understood as gauge instantons in the bulk. However, the difficulty in handling many instanton systems requires the use of some approximations when using this formalism to describe dense QCD-like matter. The present manuscript considers the homogeneous Ansatz routinely used in this context for the WSS and HW models, and successfully carries out an analog of the isospin quantization procedure perfomed originally for the single-instanton in the WSS model (and also in the Skyrme model). The analysis is valid at small isospin chemical potential, which is enough to compute the symmetry energy, roughly speaking around saturation density, that is, in the regime relevant for Neutron Star matter.

Appart from a few minor points, detailed below, in my opinion the paper is technically interesting, and timely, as the application of holographic methods to Neutron Star physics has led to important results in recent years. Hence, I believe it should eventually be published in SciPost Physics.

My only important suggestions for improving the final version are the following:

- The authors mention in the introduction, main text, and show in appendix A, that the method used here is basically equivalent to that of Ref [35]. The only two differences are (1) the choice of the Nc scaling in the definition of the isospin chemical potential and the symmetry energy, and (2) the correct inclusion of the abelian spatial components, which were originally ignored in [35] (although the authors might comment on the discussion given in Ref [54] regarding this point, namely the impact of this approximation on the phase diagram of the model). However, when discussing the results for the symmetry energy and proton fraction in Secs 4 and 5, the authors say that they are much closer to the phenomenological values. I believe it should be clarified how much of this improvement actually relies on the conventional Nc scaling, and how much is due to the improvement of the Ansatz for the Abelian gauge fields.

- Besides the computation of a more realistic symmetry energy and proton fraction (and especially if the improvement is mostly due to the Nc scaling), I believe the authors should clarify what is the main advantage of carrying out the computation in this way. For instance, what is the impact for future applications to Neutron Stars? How would those hypothetical results compare with those from other holographic NS models, such as those based on VQCD? What other applications would benefit from the quantization analysis?

- In the discussion section, it is said that the holographic popcorn transition is "already taken into account", but this is the first mention of it. I believe this comment is too vague. If it is part of the computation, it should be explained in the main text when it enters, and it's impact should be discussed, as well as it's comparison with non-holographic models, quarkyonic matter, etc.

Requested changes

Besides addressing the questions raised in the above report, here is a list of minor points the authors should consider:

- At the beginning of section 2, it is said that at low energies both models are described by gauge theories on AdS5, but then the metric for the WSS model is different. I understand what the authors mean, but the presentation seems a bit confusing.

- The use of the coordinate "z" in both cases has its advantages, but it is a bit confusing that in the HW case there is a scale "L" for the AdS radius, but in the WSS model "z" is dimensionless. Perhaps this could be clarified as well.

- In footnote 3 one could also consider citing recent papers where the effect of the quark mass on the phase diagram of the system was considered.

- Below Eqs (35)-(38) it would be useful to explain more carefully (at least in words) why some terms quadratic in \chi are important while others are ignored.

- It would be interesting to discuss in more detail what happens with the equivalence discussed in App. A for larger values of the isospin chemical potential, and how it could affect studies of the phase diagram and of Neutron Stars within these models.


Ask for minor revision

  • validity: high
  • significance: good
  • originality: good
  • clarity: high
  • formatting: excellent
  • grammar: excellent

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