Electric-dipole transitions in 6Li with a fully microscopic six-body calculation
Wataru Horiuchi, Shuji Satsuka
SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 022 (2020) · published 25 February 2020
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhysProc.3.022
- Submissions/Reports
Proceedings event
24th European Few Body Conference
Exploring new excitation modes and the role of the nuclear clustering has been of great interest. An interesting speculation was made in the recent photoabsorption measurement of 6Li that implied the importance of the nuclear clustering. To understand the excitation mechanism of 6Li, we perform a fully microscopic six-body calculation on the electric-dipole (E1) transitions and discuss how 6Li is excited by the E1 field as a function of the excitation energy. We show the various cluster components in the six-body wave functions and discuss the role of the nuclear clustering in the E1 excitations of 6Li.
Authors / Affiliation: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 Wataru Horiuchi,
- 1 Shuji Satsuka