On the dynamic distinguishability of nodal quasi-particles in overdoped cuprates
Kamran Behnia
SciPost Phys. 12, 200 (2022) · published 24 June 2022
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.12.6.200
- Submissions/Reports
La$_{1.67}$Sr$_{0.33}$CuO$_4$ is not a superconductor and its resistivity follows a purely T$^2$ temperature dependence at very low temperatures. La$_{1.71}$Sr$_{0.29}$CuO$_4$, on the other hand, has a superconducting ground state together with a T-Linear term in its resistivity. The concomitant emergence of these two features below a critical doping is mystifying. Here, I notice that the electron-electron collision rate in the Fermi liquid above the doping threshold is unusually large. The scattering time of nodal quasi-particles expressed in a dimensionless parameter $\zeta$ is very close to what has been found in liquid $^3$He at its melting pressure. In the latter case, fermionic particles become dynamically distinguishable by excess of interaction. Ceasing to be dynamically indistinguishable, nodal electrons will be excluded from the Fermi sea. Such non-degenerate carriers will then scatter the degenerate ones within a phase space growing linearly with temperature.