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Josephson current through the SYK model

Luca Dell'Anna

SciPost Phys. 17, 120 (2024) · published 24 October 2024


We calculate the equilibrium Josephson current through a disordered interacting quantum dot described by a Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model fully contacted by two BCS superconductors, such that all modes of the dot contribute to the coupling, which encodes hopping and spin-flip processes. We show that, at zero temperature and at the conformal limit, i.e. in the strong interacting limit, the Josephson current is suppressed by $U$, the strength of the interaction, as ln(U)/U and becomes universal, namely it gets independent on the superconducting gap. At finite temperature, instead, it depends on the ratio between the gap and the temperature. A proximity effect exists but the self-energy corrections induced by the coupling with the superconducting leads seem subleading as compared to the interaction self-energy and the tunneling matrix for large number of particles. Finally we compare the results of the original four-fermion model with those obtained considering zero interaction, two-fermions and a generalized $q$-fermion model.

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