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Boson-fermion pairing and condensation in two-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures

Leonardo Pisani, Pietro Bovini, Fabrizio Pavan, Pierbiagio Pieri

SciPost Phys. 18, 076 (2025) · published 3 March 2025


We consider a mixture of bosons and spin-polarized fermions in two dimensions at zero temperature with a tunable Bose-Fermi attraction. By adopting a diagrammatic $T$-matrix approach, we analyze the behavior of several thermodynamic quantities for the two species as a function of the density ratio and coupling strength, including the chemical potentials, the momentum distribution functions, the boson condensate density, and the Tan's contact parameter. By increasing the Bose-Fermi attraction, we find that the condensate is progressively depleted and Bose-Fermi pairs form, with a small fraction of condensed bosons surviving even for strong Bose-Fermi attraction. This small condensate proves sufficient to hybridize molecular and atomic states, producing quasi-particles with unusual Fermi liquid features. A nearly universal behavior of the condensate fraction, the bosonic momentum distribution, and Tan's contact parameter with respect to the density ratio is also found.

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Superfluid Bose gases Ultracold atoms

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