Pivoting through the chiral-clock family
Nick G. Jones, Abhishodh Prakash, Paul Fendley
SciPost Phys. 18, 094 (2025) · published 14 March 2025
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.18.3.094
- Submissions/Reports
The Onsager algebra, invented to solve the two-dimensional Ising model, can be used to construct conserved charges for a family of integrable $N$-state chiral clock models. We show how it naturally gives rise to a "pivot" procedure for this family of chiral Hamiltonians. These Hamiltonians have an anti-unitary CPT symmetry that when combined with the usual $\mathbb{Z}_N$ clock symmetry gives a non-Abelian dihedral symmetry group $D_{2N}$. We show that this symmetry gives rise to symmetry-protected topological (SPT) order in this family for all even $N$, and representation-SPT (RSPT) physics for all odd $N$. The simplest such example is a next-nearest-neighbour chain generalising the spin-1/2 cluster model, an SPT phase of matter. We derive a matrix-product state representation of its fixed-point ground state along with the ensuing entanglement spectrum and symmetry fractionalisation. We analyse a rich phase diagram combining this model with the Onsager-integrable chiral Potts chain, and find trivial, symmetry-breaking and (R)SPT orders, as well as extended gapless regions. For odd $N$, the phase transitions are "unnecessarily" critical from the SPT point of view.
Authors / Affiliations: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 2 Nick Jones,
- 3 4 Abhishodh Prakash,
- 3 5 Paul Fendley
- 1 University of Oxford
- 2 St John's College [SJC]
- 3 Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford
- 4 हरीशचंद्र अनुसंधान संस्थान / Harish-Chandra Research Institute [HRI]
- 5 All Souls College