Space-time first-order correlations of an open Bose Hubbard model with incoherent pump and loss
Martina Zündel, Leonardo Mazza, Léonie Canet, Anna Minguzzi
SciPost Phys. 18, 095 (2025) · published 17 March 2025
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.18.3.095
- Submissions/Reports
We investigate the correlation properties in the steady state of driven-dissipative interacting bosonic systems in the quantum regime, as for example non-linear photonic cavities. Specifically, we consider the Bose-Hubbard model on a periodic chain and with spatially homogeneous one-body loss and pump within the Markovian approximation. The steady state is non-thermal and is formally equivalent to an infinite-temperature state with finite chemical potential set by the dissipative parameters. While there is no effect of interactions on the steady state, we observe a nontrivial behaviour of the space-time two-point correlation function, obtained by exact diagonalisation. In particular, we find that the decay width of the propagator is not only renormalised at increasing interactions, as it is the case of a single non-linear resonator, but also at increasing hopping strength. Furthermore, we numerically predict at large interactions a plateau value of the decay rate which goes beyond perturbative results in the interaction strength. We then compute the full spectral function, finding that it contains both a dispersive free-particle like dispersion at low energy and a doublon branch at energy corresponding to the on-site interactions. We compare with the corresponding calculation for the ground state of a closed quantum system and show that the driven-dissipative nature – determining both the steady state and the dynamical evolution – changes the low-lying part of the spectrum, where noticeably, the dispersion is quadratic instead of linear at small wavevectors. Finally, we compare to a high temperature grand-canonical equilibrium state and show the difference with respect to the open system stemming from the additional degree of freedom of the dissipation that allows one to vary the width of the dispersion lines.
Authors / Affiliations: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 2 3 Martina Zündel,
- 1 4 5 6 Leonardo Mazza,
- 1 2 3 4 Léonie Canet,
- 1 2 3 Anna Minguzzi
- 1 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / French National Centre for Scientific Research [CNRS]
- 2 Université Grenoble Alpes / Grenoble Alpes University [UGA]
- 3 Laboratoire de Physique et Modélisation des Milieux Condensés [LPMMC]
- 4 Institut Universitaire de France [IUF]
- 5 Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques [LPTMS]
- 6 Université Paris-Saclay / University of Paris-Saclay