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Curiosities above c = 24

A. Ramesh Chandra, Sunil Mukhi

SciPost Phys. 6, 053 (2019) · published 6 May 2019


Two-dimensional rational CFT are characterised by an integer $\ell$, related to the number of zeroes of the Wronskian of the characters. For two-character RCFT's with $\ell<6$ there is a finite number of theories and most of these are classified. Recently it has been shown that for $\ell \ge 6$ there are infinitely many admissible characters that could potentially describe CFT's. In this note we examine the $\ell=6$ case, whose central charges lie between 24 and 32, and propose a classification method based on cosets of meromorphic CFT's. We illustrate the method using theories on Kervaire lattices with complete root systems. In the process we construct the first known two-character RCFT's beyond $\ell=2$.

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Conformal field theory (CFT)

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