Emergence of generalized hydrodynamics in the non-local Luttinger model
Per Moosavi
SciPost Phys. 9, 037 (2020) · published 11 September 2020
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.9.3.037
- Submissions/Reports
We propose the Luttinger model with finite-range interactions as a simple tractable example in 1+1 dimensions to analytically study the emergence of Euler-scale hydrodynamics in a quantum many-body system. This non-local Luttinger model is an exactly solvable quantum field theory somewhere between conformal and Bethe-ansatz integrable models. Applying the recent proposal of generalized hydrodynamics, we show that the model allows for fully explicit yet non-trivial solutions of the resulting Euler-scale hydrodynamic equations. Comparing with exact analytical non-equilibrium results valid at all time and length scales, we show perfect agreement at the Euler scale when the interactions are short range. A formal proof of the emergence of generalized hydrodynamics in the non-local Luttinger model is also given, and effects of long-range interactions are briefly discussed.