Current Status of inclusive hadronic tau determinations of |V_us|
K. Maltman, P.A. Boyle, R.J. Hudspith, T. Izubuchi, A. Juttner, C. Lehner, R. Lewis, H. Ohki, A. Portelli, M. Spraggs, J.M. Zanotti
SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 006 (2019) · published 18 February 2019
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhysProc.1.006
- Submissions/Reports
Proceedings event
The 15th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics
We review the status of the determination of |V_{us}| from both flavor-breaking finite-energy sum rules based on inclusive non-strange and strange hadronic tau decay data and the recent lattice-based analysis of inclusive strange hadronic tau decay data. In particular, we update the results from these analysis frameworks taking into account recent improvements to a number of strange branching fractions reported by HFLAV at CKM2018 and this meeting. We find that inclusive tau decay data yields results for |V_{us}| compatible within errors with the expectations of three-family unitarity.
Cited by 6
Authors / Affiliations: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 2 Kim Maltman,
- 3 P. A. Boyle,
- 2 R. J. Hudspith,
- 4 T. Izubuchi,
- 5 A. Juttner,
- 4 C. Lehner,
- 2 R. Lewis,
- 4 6 H. Ohki,
- 3 A. Portelli,
- 3 M. Spraggs,
- 1 J. M. Zanotti
- 1 Université York / York University
- 2 University of Adelaide
- 3 University of Edinburgh
- 4 Brookhaven National Laboratory [BNL]
- 5 University of Southampton
- 6 奈良女子大学 / Nara Women's University [NWU]
- Australian Research Council [ARC]
- Brookhaven National Laboratory [BNL]
- FP7 Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) (through Organization: European Commission [EC])
- Conseil de Recherches en Sciences Naturelles et en Génie / Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council [NSERC / CRSNG]
- Science and Technology Facilities Council [STFC]
- United States Department of Energy [DOE]
- 日本学術振興会 / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science [JSPS]