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NLO electroweak and QCD corrections to off-shell ttW production at the LHC

Ansgar Denner, Giovanni Pelliccioli

SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 034 (2022) · published 21 June 2022

Proceedings event

15th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections: Applications of Quantum Field Theory to Phenomenology


The foreseen luminosities for the next LHC runs will enable precise differential measurements of the associated production of top-antitop pairs with a W boson. Therefore, providing accurate theory predictions for this process is needed for realistic final states. We present the first combination of NLO electroweak and QCD corrections to off-shell ttW$^+$ production in the three-charged-lepton channel, including non-resonant effects, full spin-correlations and interferences. Such radiative corrections comprise the electroweak and QCD corrections to the leading QCD order, and the QCD corrections to the leading electroweak order.

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